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The Benefits of Guest Engagement Done Right.

Updated: Jun 28, 2023

When you are a business owner in the hospitality industry, guest satisfaction is at the top of the priority list each day. The best way to make a guest happy is through interaction and engagement. At Jetson, we have a streamlined solution to engage with your guests using modern technology.

We know you business owners have a million things to think about in one day. That is why we developed a platform to handle personalized guest engagement.

Guest engagement can be incredibly beneficial to a business but can also hurt the business if not done correctly. When you think about guest engagement, you want to think about it in the context of a relationship and make sure your guests know you care about them and make an effort to show it to them.

You may be wondering how technology can help engage with your guests to make sure they're happy and eager to return in the future. We think one way to build a strong relationship with your guests is to give them personalized offers that show them you are aware of their personal preferences. Read along to learn more about proper guest engagement from our experts in the field.

How Bad Guest Engagement Hurts a Business

As we mentioned above, even though guest engagement can be very beneficial to a business, it can also hurt if your business if guest engagement isn't there. For example, if you don't invest enough resources into building a solid relationship with your guests.

There is a boilerplate that goes out to many individuals in the hospitality space that sign up for subscriptions hoping for discounts or a fantastic event that's coming up. This is an excellent opportunity that many miss out on by providing irrelevant, dull content that guests will not appreciate.

Instead of guests receiving interesting personalized content, they end up getting "Come in for a happy hour every week" or "Come in for Sunday brunch". That hurts because it is irrelevant; they probably already know about that.

To build a strong relationship with your guests, you ought to avoid sending them bulk, not personalized messages and try to send them content based on their personal preferences. So, let's talk about the three most important factors regarding guest engagement.

Top 3 Most Important Factors When It Comes to Guest Engagement

Curated personalized messaging

We strongly believe that the best way to engage with your guests is to send them curated personalized messages if you want them to come in and build a relationship with your brand. If a message is personalized, it isn't conceived as spammy either.

To do this, you should look at their past interactions with your business. What have they ordered in the past? What do they like? Make them an attractive offer based on their consumer preferences.

For example, suppose you know a guest has ordered bourbon several times in the past, and you have a new bourbon available. In that case, you can send them a message saying, "Hey, we've thought about you because we know you like bourbon, and we got a new bourbon on the shelf, and we would like you to come to check it out and give us your review. The first one is on the house!"

That guest will be a lot more likely to come to check out your new bourbon than they would've been if they just received a message saying that you've got new drinks, for example.

Personalization is the part of guest engagement where a little goes a long way. You can send a personalized message to spark their interest, and your business can become their long-time favorite place to go.


Consistency isn't about hitting your email list every week. You remind your audience that you can bring something fun for the day.

Also, if you don't get a guest interested in your offers in a month, don't get discouraged. Try again the next, or next time you have something interesting to offer them. Be patient and consistent, and you will see improvement in your relationship with your guests.


You have to make sure that people wish to receive the information you send to them. If they don't and unsubscribe, make sure that you take them off your mailing list.

Taking an extra step in asking for their contact information and consent may take additional time. Still, it's a way to better ourselves as a society and respect each other's choices.

How to Create and Send Your Guests the Best Curated Personalized Content

The best way to engage with guests is to curate highly personalized messages. Here are some tips when creating and sending content to your guests.

First, you should learn the medium in which they want to get engaged. If guests are open to SMS "text messaging marketing," that's perfect. We believe that SMS marketing is the best way to engage with your guests if done in a non-spammy, tasteful way.

The messages you send out should be highly personalized and feel genuine to your guests on a personal level. We think an improved SMS marketing wave is coming, and those who do it appropriately and tastefully will be the winners.

How guest engagement has changed After the Pandemic

Suppose we look at the big picture around the world and what's happening today. Right now, it's time for most people to return to work and focus on their money.

We think the shift in guest engagement is due to a lackluster effort to get people back and start spending money. Most people that we're serving are now focused on the dollar. We firmly believe business owners should start thinking about guests as people, not just a number, to improve their overall relationship with the community.

Yet another benefit of sending your guests curated personalized content is that it makes them feel like they're considered actual persons, not just a cash machine.

What if a Restaurant Ignores Customer Satisfaction and Engagement?

As a restaurant, if you ignore customer satisfaction and engagement, you better have the best food and drinks in the city, although that strategy is fleeting - those guests always seek out who's new.

To build a sustainable brand that lasts the test of time isn't about that five-year plan. It's thinking of making that localization with that community and having a real presence in that community that people look to support for generations.

So if you choose to ignore customer engagement and think that the quality of your products will speak for you, your business will not be as thriving as it could be if you'd give your guests a little special attention.

Other Benefits of Great Guest Engagement

People want to feel like they care they receive personalized to them within an establishment they're in. If you take good care of your guests, they are bound to return to your venue, and you may earn them as long-term repeat guests.

Repeat guests are significantly more profitable than one-timers, and if you focus on guest engagement, you'll also have fewer marketing cots going out the window. Do a good job by focusing on hyper-personalization, be genuine, and you'll reap the benefit of long-term repeat customers that will expand their Life Time Value. The more your guest come back and talk about your restaurant, the longer your business will last.

Show your guests that you care by asking for feedback about your services. Ask them if there's something you could improve to serve them better.

How Can Jetson Guest Engagement Platform Improve Your Brand-Guest Relationship?

At Jetson's, our number one tool for better guest engagement is our curated, personalized messaging platform that offers our clients the ability to send curated messages to their guests via email or SMS.

An essential perk our platform offers is that it takes all the data available for a guest and automatically creates their consumer profile based on their preferences.

For example, when you send a promotion to invite someone to a restaurant, the message should be tailored to that customer. You can't promote cheeseburgers to clients who are vegetarians. That would be a colossal miss. The situation would be very different if you understood who your customers were, saw their preference points, and promoted a new veggie burger on the menu instead.

Since most marketers don't understand a customer's preference points, they constantly bombard them with products they don't care about. We think the hospitality space needs to evolve in terms of more curated pinpoint advertising. That'll ultimately enhance the guest experience and improve the long-term lifetime value of any guest.

What Makes Jetson The Best Choice For Your Restaurant Business

To have the edge over our competitors, we provide a unique service that makes operating a business smooth and seamless. For example, our automation around our tagging system allows personalization for your guests. This system allows us to quickly identify the right message and get it in front of the right person.

We know what restaurant owners go through, and we know guests are critical to a thriving business. Making them feel welcomed using technology will greatly benefit the overall company, as shown through highly personalized curated marketing. Our platform takes a look at your guests as a whole, it offers more than just guest engagement. It is turnkey, truly.

Another significant aspect is that our platform is so easy to use that you don't need any special training. It also allows our clients to choose the messages that go out by having an approval step which the person designated responsible for it must approve the statements before they are sent out.


To conclude, we think that if you were to take just one central point from this article, it would be that the most important aspect of guest engagement is creating curated personalized content. Doing so will make your guests feel like they matter to you and are more than just a number. An automated, personalized messaging platform allows you to make only personalized offers, show your guests that you care about their preferences, and significantly improve your relationship with them.

Revolutionize your business and solve a handful of problems with one simple solution. We transform your business to become guest-oriented so everyone walking into your restaurant is happy including the cooks, servers, hosts, and guests. Make your business turn like clockwork using Launch Jetson. Get a demonstration today and we will show you exactly how it works. Contact us by filling out the form.

Tom Dillon | CEO

Jetson Technologies, Inc. | Chicago, IL

C: 708.341.3534


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